Why Tally Books?

Refill Pads

Tally Books are by far the industry standard for the oil and gas areas, but also utilized in various other fields including engineers, surveyors, cable installers, and contractors. Versatile, by definition, they are an indispensable tool in the field, assisting in performing quick calculations, recording estimations and even as a quick reference to company policies or contacts.

Custom Tally Books marry efficiency with branding. As a functional, cost effective workplace resource, these imprinted books serve dual purpose as a marketing tool as well. A branded Tally Book encourages team morale and pride within the organization, as well as help promote your company organically. What better way to solidify brand recognition than through operational in-use, efficient custom Tally Books!

Used over and over again, these books are not only purposeful, but also valuable in branding your company or product. Seen on a regular basis, your brand and/or logo on a custom Tally Book serve as a living-breathing, priceless promotional vehicle. Ultimately your team will act as ambassadors for your company during the course of their work day.

Lacking a graphic, logo, or concept for your custom Tally Book? No problem! Our design team will be happy to assist in creating the perfect concept for you at no additional charge.

Digital Printed Tally Books

Is Customizing Worth It?

Oilfield workers face many challenges in the course of a day’s work. From tough weather conditions to calculations that require automatic conversions, your employees may find it tough to record figures without exerting the maximum effort. That creates unnecessary stress on work sites. Here are ways customized oilfield tally books make the job easier.

Company Policies and Manuals

Training employees to handle a new job is exhausting for management and for workers heading out into the field. Rather than expecting them to remember every company policy and standard for recording, include this information in tally books they use in the field. The easy point of reference is bound to save time and increase productivity in oilfield employees.

Tables of Conversion

No one can remember every equation and system of conversion when out recording figures. Custom inserts give you the opportunity to put the most useful measurements and conversion tables inside the book’s cover. With this option your team can focus on a single book rather than several.

Useful Techniques

Along with company policies about recording figures and workplace conduct, custom tally books can include a list of best practices for employees learning the trade. These techniques serve as secondary resources that reinforce the information learned in training. Over time, the reminders make it easier for employees to do their jobs correctly.

Important Contact Information

Employees may be looking for numbers to call for repairs on vehicles or emergency services in the course of a day’s work. Inserting these important contact numbers inside tally books provides valuable peace of mind and allows them focus on the task at hand.

For more information about out customized oilfield tally books please visit www.pipetallybooks.com or contact us at (800) 219-5331